Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Meeting

The stork Worries
"something needs to be done" he thinks


it have been raining for days now


and... I smell Storm coming near

the human is affecting the food provision
and even the cat is on the watch


Yes! something needs to be done .- he thinks again
It maybe a good idea to call for a meeting


The duck is first to arrived and not with a happy mood
he hate to be interrupted when he is in one of his social gatherings with the rest of the flaks


The iguana will soon be on her way, "what is up with the stork now" he inquired


Here you are.-
what is problem? as the duck.-
humans are problem.- the stork reply


you are late! the stork looks at the iguana.
How Essy for you,
you guys can fly for me is a long walk.
what is the plan?
what can you do against humans?
or the storm? look at the pigeons
they been feed by the old lady the live by the pool's house.


They are traitors and you... the stork look at the duck you often been feed by the man holding the fishing pole


you nothing but scavenger you and your friends
I know now I satnd alone


here am stanging alone

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