Thursday, January 28, 2010


Five careers that did not exited five years ago
If you're looking for a career that offers job security and a competitive salary, all you need is a recent college degree or a technical certificate.

1. Blogger:

yeah that is right some people get pay to blog.
2. Web Developer:

Not long ago, graphic design was the only profitable major for students who enjoyed graphics, logos, and other creative branding projects. Today, artistic students can work towards a degree in Web developer of Web design

3. Healthcare Informatics Administrator

what is that? Physicians and hospitals are eliminating all of their patients' paperwork. In place of cumbersome medical folders, healthcare providers are using electronic records andmedical smart cards to store patient data

4. Computer Forensics Professiona

The government and private agencies are pouring money into computer security. That's because hackers, thieves, and even terrorists are using computer data to commit various crimes.

5. Online Teacher

The popularity of online schools is changing the education job market. Gifted students, students with special needs, and students from conservative homes are all turning to online academies. These online elementary schools and online high schools need qualified instructors.

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